So sweet and Lovely

So sweet and Lovely Cocker Spaniel Anglais

Cocker Spaniel Anglais

Pédigrée de So sweet and Lovely Nutella oil free

Cocker Spaniel Anglais


So sweet and Lovely Nutella oil free

N° d'origine : 268000


Diabao Of merrily


Chocolate connection by Khirphileï

arrière grand-père

CH. Bergerac Of merrily

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Sheerclever A little respect

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Gessa d'Aran Carnival-colours

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CH. Vesuve des deux Camelias

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Graceful Grace


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Troll domaine de makno

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Vague bleue Du domaine de makno

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AA Grand-père

CH. TR. Francini's Amarcord

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